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"A Community of Seekers, Students and Servants" 

Fruitful Life is a community and ministry for all of us, who are facing battles and struggles in mental, emotional, physical, financial, occupational, or relationship challenges; or simply working through life's many setbacks and side tracks. 

You can turn to God and come alongside with others who will listen, offer support, and pray with you.​


Our leaders minister to people through Biblical Counsel, Coaching and Mentoring.


You're welcome here. 


We provide compassion, connection, coaching, counsel, covering  and care for people who simply need to know that God is real, that God loves them, and that HE desires to have a genuine relationship with them.



1.) You will be Heard, Helped and Healed.

This spiritual care ministry will do its best to help you recover and heal through leaders, families and friends who have been where you are right now. We provide three options or paths for you:

a.) spiritual wellness support group that meets online. It's a safe space where you can just sit and observe or you can share your struggles with others who will listen to and pray with you.

b.) A teaching platform; providing a "live" virtual class and online courses through our STEP Forward Life Institute: which is practical instruction in Biblical wisdom and spiritual insight for receiving Christ and His healing within your own heart, receiving the power and ability to change and live totally committed to God, and then learning how to share your extraordinary journey with the rest of your family and friends.

c.) Timely referrals to reputable mental health professionals, certified CARE-Ready Coaches, and/ or Churches with excellent Pastoral Care.


2.) You're not forsaking the Church Assembly by meeting online or in a smaller setting

Smaller-sized gatherings don't work for everyone, but they might work for you. Before there was a religion called Christianity, there was a movement known as THE WAY.  Participants gathered primarily in their homes for centuries; long before religious and governmental leaders persuaded them to congregate in massive buildings. Our founders, Chris and Carol Green, launched the Fruitful Life Learning Community as an intentional effort to return to some of the original simple lifestyles, and the mission that demonstrated God's love and healing daily in hearts, homes, neighborhoods and cities.


3.) Smaller Gatherings are as old as The Church.

We are patterned after the 1st-century Followers of Christ, who continued steadfast in the Apostle's teaching and fellowship, in Breaking of Bread, and in Prayers. They met privately in their homes and corporately as a community; and they took care of widows, orphans and the poor, while experiencing miraculous signs and wonders.  In its DNA, Fruitful Life carries the Ephesians 4 directive of equipping and empowering Believers to do the work of ministry and service, starting with their family and friends.


4.) We don't require membership to connect with and follow us

We know you're simply looking for connection, first. That's why our ministry seems to identify best with people who seek a non-traditional faith practice. Yes, we are still part of The Church-at-large, but we are reaching out beyond the walls of a building to connect with those who were missed, skipped over, passed over, or they simply slipped through the cracks.


5.) This could become your new Mission Statement

"They (We) will rebuild the ancient ruins, restore the places long devastated, and renew the ruined cities (hearts and homes) that have been devastated for generations." ---Isaiah 61:4


Chris & Carol Green

Founders and Leaders

Chris and Carol Green served in pastoral and ministry leadership in the United States for 30+ years, and with that priceless wealth of experience, wisdom and insight, they encourage Believers to embrace prayer-focused lives and prayer-centered lifestyles.  

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Core Values
Beliefs & Doctrine
Prophetic Call

Chris and Carol Green were officially released into their God-ordained purpose in July of 2004, through the apostolic oversight of Bishop, Dr. Raphael Green (D.Ed.Min.) and Pastor Brenda Green who pioneered a strategic, relevant, transformational church (Metro Christian Worship Center) and community outreach (Metro Associates, Inc.) in St. Louis, MO.

Long before Bishop Green's ministry and city came onto the international scene due to the events in Ferguson, Metro Christian Worship Center was in the trenches and making a powerful impact  in inner city neighborhoods and communities; and have done so for more than 35 years.


Always operating under the radar and out of the spotlight, Bishop and Pastor Green have been true models of what it takes to invest in lives in the urban world. Part of their urban world mandate is to train and establish competent, creative, compassionate and committed men and women (like Chris and Carol) in urban centers across the U.S. and the world.

Dr. Raphael  and Pastor Brenda Green
Urban Pastors & Leaders Alliance
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