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Mission Strategy

Spiritual Urgent Care

A Ministry of Presenc


Our Mission Strategy involves rebuilding and restoring people who are facing battles and struggles in mental, emotional, physical, financial, occupational, or relationship challenges; or simply working through life's many setbacks and side tracks. We give them the opportunity to turn to God and come alongside with others who will listen, offer support, and pray; all of which can help them reach a place of stabilty and growth from their experiences.


At the same time we are equipping Believers to do the work of ministry/ service by getting them involved in spiritual wellness care within their own families and communities; or by encouraging them to become prepared and always ready to be called upon by various outreach organizations (ie: Red Cross, Salvation Army, Samaritan's Purse, etc.) to supply labor, experience, helping hands, support, and resources.


When people are in crisis, they don't need a lecture or a sermon. They can't make sense of anything in those moments. They need someone to simply sit with them in their pain, walk with them on their journey, and listen patiently every step of the way. Many may be wondering, 'Where is God in all of this?' And that's why we will be there. We are to bring the presence of the true and living God. Even if they cannot understanding it in that moment, God will be walking right beside them through us.


  • Critical Incident – the traumatic event or catalyst for emotional or psychological trauma

  • Crisis – is the reaction of the individual to the incident that has occurred

  • Crisis Intervention – the application of “psychological first aid” and longterm post trauma care


Psychological First Aid 

  • Stabilizing people

  • Reducing acute stress symptoms

  • Reestablishing their capacity to function in a healthy way

  • Seeking a higher level of care


Examples of Traumatic Events

  • Natural Disasters (hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, etc.)

  • Accidental Disasters (car crashes, plane crashes, explosions, etc.)

  • Intentional or Deliberate Disasters (bombings, robberies, assaults, homicide, suicide, rape, terrorism, vandalism, etc.)

  • Incidents of loss (fired from a job, eviction from a home, car repossession, identity theft, divorce, excommunication, any unexpected break up of a close relationship, etc.) 

  • Sustained or Repeated Events (kidnapping, sexual abuse, spousal abuse, police harassment, racist/ terrorist threats, bullying, shaming, etc.)

Most Common Impact of a Critical Incident on an Individual (Post Traumatic Stress)

Traumatic Stress is a normal human response to an abnormal event or incident.

Traumatic stress is more powerful and serious than ordinary day-to-day stress.

This is the period of time for the brain and body to get back to normal.

  • Physical (rapid heart and breathing rate, sweating, headaches, muscle spasms, indigestion, nausea, chest pains, etc.)

  • Cognitive (confusion, trouble making decisions, inability to concentrate, difficulty with memory, etc.)

  • Emotional (anxiety, irritability, fear, panic, angry outburst, helplessness, hopelessness, despair)

  • Behavioral (withdrawal and/or difficulty in relationships, eating/sleeping changes, compulsive behaviors, crying spells, disconnected stares, etc.)

  • Spiritual (anger at God, despair, loss of thankfulness, no desire to continue with righteous living, or one may cling to their faith, beliefs and convictions even stronger)

How Trauma and Crisis Affects People (Immediately and Long term)

  • Trauma can teach a grossly unhealthy way of relating to God and other people.

  • Someone who experiences trauma might be facing intrusive re-experiencing of the event.

  • Hyper-arousal – A loud boom; for example, fireworks could arouse extreme reactions in a veteran of war.

  • Numbing – Affect is a flat response. No feelings or unsure of what or how to feel.

  • Hyper Fight or Flight – In a situation perceived as dangerous, one either puts up a fight or runs away to escape trauma.

  • Dissociation – The mind takes a person someplace else other than the present in order to handle this.

  • Survivor Guilt – When others died, but a person survived.

  • Addiction – Self-medicating unresolved trauma.

  • Depression-like symptoms: fatigue, lack of interest in things that were once enjoyable, sadness

  • 90% of U.S. citizens will be exposed to a traumatic event in their lifetime. Most people do not develop PTSD after a traumatic incident or event. (Only about 20%, but this is still a lot of people.)

Benefits of a Crisis Response and Spiritual Care Ministry Team

  • Provides an effective and efficient means to show the love of God to neighbors in need of spiritual and emotional first aid, which otherwise might be neglected.

  • Builds relationship bonds that may open discussions about the Gospel.

  • Enables us to have an army of trained crisis care-givers to attend to crisis needs (when neighbors and friends are hospitalized, after learning of a life threatening illness, a sudden unemployment, or the loss of a home).

  • Provides a recognized means to work with government officials at disaster sites.

  • Provides long-term support and spiritutal wellness care for weeks, months or years after the critical incident(s).

We can do this!

  • Anyone who has adequate training can provide spiritual wellness care and crisis intervention.

  • Crisis intervention should be performed by teams.

  • We can form crisis response teams, support groups, and recovery programs for helping those that have experienced crisis, trauma, or loss.

  • Crisis intervention is about immediate and longterm response, so responders must be prepared in advance.

  • Spiritual wellness care is for immediate and long-term support, yet responders still need to be prepared in advance.

  • We have the primary component of healing to offer those who are hurting, and that component is hope.


​The Mission Challenge:

What if the Church had Special Force units like the Marines or Navy SEALS?

What if God is calling YOU to enlist in one of His special force teams during these perilous times?


Would you sign up for deployments that will take you behind enemy lines, crawling in mud, trudging through swamps, and lying in sewers, just to get into position to bring deliverance to your families and friends, and usher them into the Kingdom of God?


By the way, very few  people may ever know your name. There will probably never be any parades in your honor, no Christian Celebrity TV appearances, no Dove awards, no Grammy awards, no American Idol or Sunday Best titles, and no guarantee that you’ll live in a mansion, own a jet, or drive an expensive vehicle. There will probably be no fame or acclaim. There will certainly be persecution and suffering. You might even face death. 

However, you are guaranteed to also have purpose, grace and favor upon your life. You will have the peace that you can face your Savior and Lord, knowing you were obedient to the heavenly vision, and not just sold out to your own dream.


Will you sign up to serve?

We are a Learning Community because Christ said: "Take My yoke upon you and LEARN FROM ME [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls. For My yoke is easy [to bear] and My burden is light.”  --- Matthew 11:29-30


A Community of Seekers, Students and Servants

© Since 2004 by Fruitful Life Network of Ministries, Inc.

Biblical Counsel, Coaching and Mentoring

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