Personal Growth and Spiritual Maturity
We're Searching and Learning through Biblical Counsel, Coaching and Mentoring.
We provide practical teaching that empowers you to add to your faith, embrace your unique process of growth, and make certain you're prepared for those once in a lifetime opportunities to minister to your family and serve in your community.
Click on TITLES below to access.
For Your Growth and Spiritual Maturity
Understanding and Embracing Praise, Worship, and That Which Glorifies God
What is the most important part of our Church assemblies?
This series takes us on a journey to heal the division between the leadership, complimentary and supportive ministries in a local Church; by implementing foundational scripturally-based teaching that is inspired and informed by Biblical Counsel, Coaching and Mentoring.
Training in Spiritual Warfare
It all began with a simple request during a teaching session:
Please clarify the difference between afflictions and warfare.
Training in Discipleship
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality was birthed out of the realization that key areas were missing in the church’s spiritual formation/discipleship initiatives. These missing elements were identified and were found to be applicable around the world as essential to engaging in deep, beneath-the-surface spiritual formation.
Breaking the Silence and Stigma on Mental Health Struggles
*Four sessions from professionals who bring insight and wisdom to your family on the topics: Understanding Mental Illness, Managing Stress and Anxiety, Overcoming Depression, and Understanding Grief & Loss.
Amethyst Roberson, MA, LPC, NCC, CMLC
Fruitful Life Instructor
Adjunct Instructors and Domestic Missionaries
Courageous Conversations 2022
A Panel Discussion
Guest Instructor
Establishing an Effective Fighting Force
Teaching from Nehemiah 4, the Late, Bishop Paul T. Veney, Sr. imparted words of wisdom, encouragement and instruction for developing an effective team.
John and Kerry Shuey
Guest Instructor
John Shuey shares a special word about developing a prayer ministry in the urban community.
Prayer in the Urban Setting (Part 2)
Family Impact Moments
The faith and family coaching sessions do not avoid the controversial topics and difficult issues about life, relationships, the Bible and God.
When Promises and Prophecy Don't Seem to Come True
Coaches Chris and Carol Green teach why it is necessary to discern the voice and will of God by exploring various reasons certain desires and prayers are not answered, some promises don't manifest, and many personal prophecies don't appear to come to pass.
Overcoming the Test and Trials Through the Wilderness
Coach Chris Green challenges errant doctrines and familiar catch phrases as he teaches about the Wilderness Journey, providing insight and wisdom for the testing points and temptations we face in our Transition to Promise.
Understanding the Controvery Surrounding Christmas and Easter
Coach Chris Green brings insight to the myths and pagan practices surrounding two of the most familiar traditions in the Christian faith.
Videos, Books and Other Resources
Families are in crisis: Teen suicides, bullying, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, mental illness, family secrets, financial pressure, and a host of other enemies are pouring in, but you can be the leader who strengthens your household in these perilous times.
Understanding Your True WOW Factor
Carol Green, established WOW (Woman of Worth) to help women realize their true value
through a coaching series called Understanding Your True WOW Factor.
As a spiritually empowered woman, wife and mother, Carol provides practical insight and information for women to see how their emotional, mental and spiritual state can affect their physical and relational well-being.
Protect and preserve the Kingdom sacred traditions and legacy of our families and cultures.
Today, I call upon men to stand up and defend your family in the most fundamental way; by being honorable as men, husbands and fathers. Learn what it means to love and cherish your wife. Learn the most effective ways to build a legacy that will benefit both your daughters and your sons. Most of all, let's learn how to honor one another as brothers.
Don't lose your marriage and family on your road to success!
The front line of the battle is the home of the servant-leader. Get fortified and strengthened to lead your family to victory in everyday life.