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Phil Vischer
Race in America

Race in America

Race in America
Holy Post -  Race in America

Holy Post - Race in America

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Holy Post - Race in America - Part 2

Holy Post - Race in America - Part 2

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Why do White Christians Vote Republican, and Black Christians Vote Democrat?

Why do White Christians Vote Republican, and Black Christians Vote Democrat?

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We need to talk about race.

Why are people angry? Why so upset? Didn't we elect a black president? Pass civil rights laws?
Isn't racism illegal now? Why are people still angry?

Phil and his brother Rob co-taught a class that discussed issues of racial injustice. That class turned into a popular podcast episode, which they've now turned into teaching videos.

Let's take a look at race in America.

Holy Post Media is dedicated to producing smart and entertaining content that helps people think in a Christ-like manner, and live faithfully in our increasingly post-Christian culture. 

Join Phil Vischer for fast-paced and often funny conversations. He hopes to be a refuge for those seeking to untangle their faith from fear, dogmatism, and partisan politics while continuing to participate in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ in our culture.

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