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Graduation Handshake

Restoring the Gates and Walls of Our Hearts and Homes 

Restoring the Gates and Walls of Our Hearts and Homes

Restoring the Gates and Walls of Our Hearts and Homes
Restoring The Sheep Gate

Restoring The Sheep Gate

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Restoring the Fish Gate

Restoring the Fish Gate

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Restoring the Old Gate

Restoring the Old Gate

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Is your heart and home a safe space?

This course connects the historical account of Nehemiah and the restoration of the walls and gates of Jerusalem to the restoration of the walls and gates around individuals (hearts) and families (homes).
Take advantage of this opportunity to learn why these 10 gates are so vital for the protection and growth of your entire household.

* Fruitful Life Educators Chris and Carol Green provide Faith-based instruction from their weekly

Soul Care & Spiritual Wellness Coaching and Mentoring sessions; teaching from Biblical counsel and foundational principles that equip and empower Believers.


The Certificate Version of this Course is Available by Clicking HERE

Order the Book: Fight for Your Family - Click HERE


STEP Forward Resource Library

All books and material offered are intended to enhance the spiritual care and wellness core of the Fruitful Life Education students within the STEP Forward Life Institute™.

As a searcherdemic, life education affiliate of United Graduate College and Seminary International, STEP Forward offers accelerated, ministry-accredited certificate courses.  ​​

STEP Forward empowers its students to understand and navigate through the process of uncovering and thriving in their part of God's dream for humanity. 
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We are a Learning Community because Christ said: "Take My yoke upon you and LEARN FROM ME [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls. For My yoke is easy [to bear] and My burden is light.”  --- Matthew 11:29-30


A Community of Seekers, Students and Servants

© Since 2004 by Fruitful Life Network of Ministries, Inc.

Biblical Counsel, Coaching and Mentoring

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