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Amethyst Roberson,  MA, LPC, NCC, CMLC-T
Self Care Essentials: R.I.S.E.

RISE: Self Care Essentials

RISE: Self Care Essentials

RISE: Self Care Essentials
Self-Care Essentials: (RISE) Recognize, Implement, Serve, Empower (Part 1)

Self-Care Essentials: (RISE) Recognize, Implement, Serve, Empower (Part 1)

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Self Care Essentials: RISE (Part 2)

Self Care Essentials: RISE (Part 2)

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RISE from Trauma

RISE from Trauma

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Amethyst Roberson is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) based in Saint Louis, MO, USA; and a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC).

She has specialized in Christian Counseling, Life Coaching for women and couples, and in Professional development services to those in need for 20+ years.

She is a Certified CARE-Ready Master Life Coach and Trainer (CMLC-T) ; and a Fruitful Life Instructor.

She is also a dynamic speaker and author.

More information about her life-impacting work may be found on her website:

Healing H.E.R

In a refreshingly practical compact manual, Amethyst Roberson serves up 30 bite-sized chapters: helping women discover healing, empowerment, and restoration.


Identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that stop you from getting what you need. Learn to live the intentional life that you deserve!

Create an experience of purpose you love.


By the end of this book, you will understand the steps needed to discover – (H.E.R) HEALING, EMPOWERMENT & RESTORATION.


STEP Forward Resource Library

All books and material offered are intended to enhance the spiritual wellness core of the Fruitful Life Education students within the STEP Forward Life Institute™.

As a searcherdemic affiliate of United Graduate College and Seminary International, STEP Forward offers accelerated, ministry-accredited certificate courses.  ​​

STEP Forward empowers its students to understand and navigate through the process of uncovering and thriving in their part of God's dream for humanity. 
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